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Why Pursue Post-Graduation? Is It Beneficial?

Things have changed in the past decade. Twenty years back, people in India weren’t career conscious and knew very little about the right career choices to make. There were very few options too making the choice easier. Things are very different now. As there are countless career options and a lot of information, real and fake on each career, choosing the best option becomes quite difficult. If you are at a point where you have completed your graduation and are wondering whether you must do a post-graduation course or not, you are not alone. There are many out there who are completely confused about the next career move. Here we have tried to list out why you should do a post-graduation course and how it is going to benefit you. Read along to know:


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To Beat the Competition

India is a nation where the unemployment is quite high. This means that the number of people competing for the same job as you are much more than the number of opportunities open to you. Now, what does that mean? It means that the employers have a better choice than you and you need to be really good to be hired. An ITM PGDM will give your resume more weightage and help you be shortlisted for the right jobs.

To Specialise

This is not the world where ‘Jack of All Trades and Master of None’ really sells. You need to have specific knowledge in your subject if you wish to get anywhere in your career. This is the reason why specialisation is necessary. Top institutes like ITM University have specialised courses in different streams in post-graduation that help to provide knowledge relevant to the times. An ITM PGDM will give you the subject knowledge you deserve and help you excel in your career.

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